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  • Interests
    hockey,tennis,ski,911`s,my dogs and cats

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  • Current 911
    1985 Carrera coupe
  • Daily Driver
    1985 Carrera coupe
  • Lottery Car
    smart for 2
  • Day Job?
    retired Porsche 911 mechanic
  • Favourite Food
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    beer-Pilsner Urquell,Staropramen and Budvar...
  • Drive of your life
    Best drive was from Los Angeles to new York for New Years party in 1992 in my first 911S 1977

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  1. it is usually written on the disc-on the edge..
  2. one new the others can be touch up with black- i put on the blue seal too
  3. i will look ..i know i have them
  4. how many do you need and black or chrome-silver?? Ivan
  5. adjust the valve only!!! when the engine is cold ...period;-) here is a video you car try to adjust it like i do past 40 years;-) I know people say it is easy on the engine outside.But it is actually easier with the engine in the car .There you get some suport for your hand.Just used small screwdriver like 5cm long and 13mm wrench
  6. yup not an exhaust leak..yes the noise can travel up to your stethoscope from the exhaust valve.Most likely noisy-out of adjustment ..if it was broken valve spring it would have very high pitching sound...i know it is pita to drain the oil but look at the adjustment on the bottom side.Just drain the engine oil no need to drain the tank.Put can under the heat exchanger and rag on top so it does not get too oily. Ivan
  7. i cannot see the video
  8. well? it has been a month to the date..what is up with Russ visit???? Ivan
  9. Francois is a good member of the French forum where i am as well a member;-) Ivan
  10. On the French forum is Francois who is making the 3D part for 911 an other models look here ..for 25 euro you can have with out an headache;-) https://www.3dclassic.fr/en/store Ivan
  11. Interesting ..i have those rims on my 911 since 1996 and never accrued to me having problem to steer;-))))on the other hand i played hockey in California almost every day a do go to gym even nowadays--just finished at my home gym..time for a Czech beer;-)
  12. sounds like a good peep who knows about 911---- ivan
  13. it is very important that you re-torque the heads after the last work in 1000 miles or km.Have you had it done..if not there is your answer for the oil leak.Loose heads Ivan
  14. 😉 you forgot to mention the speed traps and tickets, i got plenty;-) once you get the pink slip there is no other tax on the car
  15. hmm i lived in 27 years Ca LA land no road tax there after 10 years in France also not a road tax and now in Czech no road tax --that is new to me;-)
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