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Gruppe IB
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About RivieraBob

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    1985 3.2 Sport

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  1. Thanks again chaps for all the helpful advice!
  2. Hopefully final question.....do you need to open the brake fluid reservoir cap when pushing the pistons back?
  3. Thanks chaps... I feel such an amateur on this stuff but guess (from fear) just lack experience - there's only one way to get it though. I'll buy the brake spreader and pad puller and 'on y va!' If all comes apart well then guess it's potentially a soft brake line blockage or wheel bearing as suggested. It's winter and I have a lift so perfect timing really. Thanks again, such a helpful forum. Bob
  4. Thanks Ian! I don't believe the lines were changed during the refurb. As the wheel won't turn by hand I presume the pads are gripping the disc (potentially by stuck piston or corrosion) - won't this make the pads difficult to remove? Can you use the spreader to separate them from the disc ie push the piston back with the pads in situ, or is there a handy trick to get the pads apart if compressed? You can tell I've never done this before! Bob
  5. On my last (short) drive out before winter hibernation I had a distinct steering wheel wobble. Pulled over to have a quick look over car and when got going was fine again. Last year when up on the ramp I noticed my o/s front wheel didn't turn very freely, suspecting it could be same again when I returned I checked and they spun freely by hand. I've just put the car up on the ramp again (not driven since) and the front o/s wheel is stuck fast, can't even move with a breaker bar. Can the caliper piston continue to extend under residual pressure when not in use and then get stuck, or is it more likely just close contact of the pads so that they have fused to the disc. ie can it still be a sticky piston even though the wheel turned fine by hand when parked up in garage after last run? Brake fluid is changed every 2 years and I had what I thought was a professional full brake refurb 4 years ago. I like to pretend I can do stuff on the car but I never touch the brakes as the consequences of my general uselessness frighten me in that area. So what's my best course of action to check? - if I buy a brake spreader will it be able to force the pads apart from the discs or will my first drive in the spring generally free it all off? - I'm sure that's hope vs reality! Bob
  6. Yep, that's how I see it. Just one note of caution (as I didn't realise you had to still do this annually until read the following from Hagerty)..........and you thought it was the end! 🤭 ......your future tax reminders will show the delightful rate of £0. Don’t ignore these reminders, you still have to visit the DVLA website or visit a Post Office to tax the car, even if there’s no longer any fee. Failure to do so could result in a fine of £30 to £80.
  7. I drive to Ouistreham for the ferry quite regularly over the summer period in the 3.2 .......we should all do an Impact Bumper French Division meet at some stage - I believe there is an aircooled rally in Deauville every now and again, or there was last time I was there and it seemed a regular do. Bob
  8. The Froggies just do it differently....you have a one off tax on their version of a V5 (Carte Grise).....except I found out its not a one off as if you move to a different area you pay again, or if you're a new keeper. Combine that with autoroute tolls - I quite often shell out 100 euros plus a month on those. At least they generally maintain their roads compared to Blighty!
  9. The classic status runs from April in the following year ie for you April 86. That's what I'm led to believe anyway, happy to be corrected. Bob
  10. Hopefully I'll miss all that palaver Ant due to being registered before year end. I guess with it being UK registered in November it was probably one of the first off the line for MY1985 at the end of summer '84.
  11. Yes, she was first registered in the UK on 19 November 1984. Believe I'm right in saying that all cars built after the summer break in Stuttgart were the next model year ie MY1985 in my case. Once the 40 year milestone is passed Ivan, they don't need taxing from the following April in the UK, or need an MOT (Control Technique).
  12. A detail and photo for her anniversary.....
  13. SCoM and Gmund.......mmmm best I don't comment. Having said that I paid a 'full' price of 35k to Paragon in 2014 thinking I had a suitably sorted car for the money. Still needed an engine rebuild (thanks Ivan, top job!), 915 gearbox sort out (lovely now) and a suspension refresh at C of G. Therefore price wise I'm probably under water. Don't really care as I'm still in love and hopefully till death do us part!
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