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Gruppe IB
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About strosek34

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  • Location
  • Interests
    Motorsport, Rugby, Triathlon

Previous Fields

  • Current 911
    1986 Carrera 3.4, LWT
  • Daily Driver
    AUDI A6, 2.7 S LINE
  • Lottery Car
    Orange 993 GT2
  • Day Job?
    Aerospace Designer (Retired)

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  1. Get well soon mate.
  2. Will be great to see the Orange and you back in action John, can't believe how long it's been, didn't realise you still had the 924 and Z4. Happy New Year as well.
  3. Good find Axel
  4. Superpro in mine for the Coupler bushes, but I need to replace the main shifter linkage bush as that's kaput now, not a Superpro at the moment.
  5. £10,500 back in 2003 from Paul Stephens cars, it's been a good buy for me in my opinion.
  6. I'm planning on making an appearance at the MK. Bowl.
  7. I bought it off you Gary, I still have it funnily enough. I also bought Turbo front bumpers off Alex around the same time, didn't fit those either. Happy to sell both items.
  8. No, and it fits over my 968 front brake calipers as well.
  9. I have the 964 version in my 3.2, it's in much better condition than my old original one was, and much lighter if I remember.
  10. Good to see you back on the IB forum Dave. Been a long time.
  11. Great looking event Lewis, what a selection of cars.
  12. I put Superpro engine and gearbox mounts on mine years ago and ran them for a couple of years, they made the car feel very taut and racecar'ish but I eventually got fed up of the noise and harshness, so swapped all of them to Cab. ones, made a big difference and are great compromise between too soft and too hard, got them from Matt, this is on a 915 box car. Just to add my car is a stripped out lightweight at 1070kg , so probably makes a difference.
  13. That's hell of a selection of cars at the Nissan Museum.
  14. Welcome Kit, nice looking car.
  15. Sounds like a good idea Ian.
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