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Gruppe IB
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About Lesworth

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  • Current 911
    1982 3.0 SC
  • Daily Driver
    1980 924 Turbo and ex Keith Flint John Deer Lawn Tractor

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  1. Calling any TIPEC members - are you aware of any club car display ticket offers for the Silverstone Festival this year? I want to take the 911 into the circuit but I would rather poke out my own eyes that park amongst the thousands of PCGB cars in the back of beyond. I'll join TIPEC if so. Thanks.
  2. I’ve just sold a kidney to pay for my 911’s glass out respray if that helps? 😮
  3. What year?
  4. Maybe we caught Thurso on a bad day. It was dead and quite drab. We also were probably influenced by a really poor B&B experience there. People were certainly friendly - that was in no doubt.
  5. Can anyone help with a photo that shows wiring connection to the wiper motor (which go where)? Don't worry, just found my photo
  6. Nope
  7. Well, 14 months after driving it last (Angouleme 2023), its return to me is imminent:
  8. Hello! I need to replace the rear screen glass on my SC and looking at PET, there are two options listed: Clear with single stage heating Tinted with two stage heating I'm pretty sure we had two stage heating as standard (correct me if thats wrong) based on the pull / twist switch but is tinted just slightly green as opposed to drug dealer tint spec? I am leaning towards the last one being the right option for a standard UK supplied SC... can anyone confirm? Also each of the two options above have two part numbers, anyone know what thats all about?
  9. Yes, staying guards red. Your wings might be fine!
  10. I bought a pair of supposedly 'as new' 964 wings about 10 years ago as it was a good deal. They had alrerady been modified for our cars and also had the ariel hole welded up so perfect for me. They were supposedly brand new from Porsche and fitted to a car for only a few months. They were completely solid but even so, once the paint was removed, several area of filler repairs were found, now repaired properly so all good. Just goes to show that paint hides multitude of sins and you really dont know what lurks beneath...
  11. Time for an update. The car went off to my bodyshop about 6 weeks ago with the view that they would be able to make some progress on it in between current jobs but that work would not start in ernest until November-ish. Refreshingly one of their jobs was cancelled and so mine has started 6 weeks ahead of schedule! Pics below are after a week of work with on guy on it full time. A few cosmetic battle scars discovered under the paint once it was removed. All areas of filler are being cleaned up and repaired properly, as are any areas of minor rust. Currently having all the panels gapped and they are a big improvement from what they were like before, especially the ducktail.
  12. Lesworth

    Ducktail Rust!

    Its not the fit that they are not happy with (they have yet to try that in earnest so no doubt theu will have those issues too),its the quality - incosisten thickness in some areas and some odd lines and shapes here and there.
  13. Lesworth

    Ducktail Rust!

    Xris, how did the body shop get on with fitment? My bodyshop have now started work and are really not impressed with the quality and consistency of some areas of the duck. Wondering if mine was an aberration that I need to go back to EB about.
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