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Jeez how did that happen? Part of the root cause?

The second root cause, probably. Only did 1000 miles/4 days. So...another warranty claim, along with the bearings....2 steps forward, 1 step back.


Fraser, a number of the lightweight flywheels are known to have an issue, hard to tell from the photo but have the bolts eaten into the metal a bit?


This is a known issue on the Fidanza one's for the 968 (ask me how I know!) but probably applies to any that are Aluminium. The flywheels are aluminium where as the bolts are steel and eat into it meaning it then rattles and works loose. The document below shows the fix, which is what I had done, namely a steel plate made up and the flywheel machined down to accept it.


You should also really have the flywheel and clutch balanced, although i'm not sure of the weight of the 911 flywheel.


I suspect it contributed to the main issue......




The flywheel isn't aluminium and both it and the clutch were balanced on the crank.


The flywheel isn't aluminium and both it and the clutch were balanced on the crank.

Sure? The bolts do look to have eaten into the metal in this picture:



didn't look so bad here:





Yes. It is the Patrick Motorsports G50 flywheel. Weighs 1kg less than stock.


Sorry to hear that Doc. You are due some good luck by now for sure.


Sent from my Classic using Tapatalk




fair enough Doc, just looked remarkably similar to the issues on the Fidanza one's.


Fingers crossed you are up and running soon....


Might as well end this thread: now done over 600 miles on the "new" engine and nothing has gone bang... about time 'n' all.. :smash: not going to say anymore as it might tempt fate.

I don't seem to have a rev limit any more :unsure: : can't wait to see what the autobahn is like now... :steering:




Well done Doc. Glad to see "Triggers Broom" alive and well. Slightly worrying that your rev limiter has left the building though.?




Slightly worrying that your rev limiter has left the building though.?


Why? :unsure:
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