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They look great - I know few people that have used Langcourts, all very happy with the results. I'm sure the re-plating will be worth it for the peace of mind when its back together.


very nice Henry!

Thanks Ben, they do look good ..

They look great - I know few people that have used Langcourts, all very happy with the results. I'm sure the re-plating will be worth it for the peace of mind when its back together.

That's good to hear Matt, I had a chat to the guy at Lancourts and he sounded like he does lots of Porsche cylinders which gave me the confidence , its this Porsche mystique, and sometimes reading to much questionable info at times that can lead to doubts .They look confident inspiring . cheers

Nice one Henry. At least with your own cylinders they're a known quantity I guess. It's certainly an impressive turnaround time.


Would you mind letting me know what Lancourts charged for this. You can PM if you don't want to publicise it. Or just tell me to bugger off and mind my own business of course!


They look great Henry and considering the cost of a new set its a no brainer. Head gaskets were also a consideration for me but I think lapping them into the heads and making sure they are true will be more than sufficient.


They look great Henry and considering the cost of a new set its a no brainer. Head gaskets were also a consideration for me but I think lapping them into the heads and making sure they are true will be more than sufficient.

I am hoping they will be fine Dave , I did put a note in when I sent them off ,please be very carefull not to damage/scratch cylinder tops ! and they came back as hoped. .

  • 3 weeks later...

With the nagging thought of should I should'nt I machine the barrels/ heads to include a fire ring I decided to take an example over to Nick Fulljames ,I wanted to quiz him on a couple of things and also show him my rockers as I have seen him shot peen them sometimes in some build threads and to see if mine were fit for purpose.

I asked him what he does with these early barrels/heads and he put my mind to rest so I went with his recomendations .

My rockers were good to go with the new cams to, he only shot peens rockers in high rev aplications so mine should be fine as is , result!




Persuaded my brother to fly cut and take off take off .015m of the heads .



smoother than they look .



Cylinders tops were lightly flatted with wet and dry on flat surface table , then lapped to the heads with some extra fine paste , I innitialy tried the fine end of the usual corse /fine valve lapping paste but found it still course so had to get some extra fine which was ok but needed a little wd40 in it to slick it down as was still a bit course on the ali. came out well though .



Heads were built up setting the spring heights to Schricks measurement, a couple of bits of ally were my measuring sticks , bit fidly but worked ok , just one shim required under the seats .


Springs and Ti caps from my Schrick cam kit , probably could of got by without the expense but needed new springs and these should provide a little over rev protection aparently.



Refitting valves .



I had to take a little or rather a fair bit of gudgeon pins to balance pistons to get to within a gram .





Checked ring gaps and fitted rings to pistons and installed in cylinders





A bit of curil T to bases and fitted right circlips after making a circlip tool out of 22 copper coupling



Cylinders on. . Cooper tool worked a treat .



Heads on not torqued.




1134 to cam carriers then on, torqued up then the heads torqued.


















Posted (edited)

Hi H

There's so much more to you than meets the eye ;-)

Looking good mate

My IB should be back on the rd next month looking forward to poping over to catch up

Cheers Kenny

Edited by Fatkenny

I was thinking about my injectors earlier as was wondering if the standard ones will be sufficient or will I need a bit more flow .? presumemably it should be around 300bhp. Thoughts appreciated.


You are getting close to the limits of the injectors at 300bhp. 964 injectors are around 200cc/min.


If you can get your hands on a set of 993 injectors or E36 M3 or E34 M5 injectors (around 250cc/min) then these have the correct conical spray pattern and are good for around 350bhp while still maintaining good accuracy


Good info Alex thanks will keep an eye out for some . Another thing for the list !


One thing you do need to bear in mind is that with standard mapping with larger injectors the engine will be over fuelling and running very rich.


You will also be running in a freshly rebuilt engine for 1000 miles+ which is far from ideal so if it was me I would run on the stock injectors until after the engine is run in, the oil dropped & everything re-torqued then get it up to see Wayne and change the injectors along with a remap to get it all running correctly. :twocents:


That makes complete sense , did you fit the larger injectors to your car in the end ? I knew I read somewhere about bigger injectors! must re read.


Hi Henry, can you remember what size the gudgeon pins are on the 993 rods?




I think from memory they were 54 mm long I still have the bag of old bushings so will measure diameter for you today .


Has your shopping list arrived yet ? Was hoping to get some ideas !


Has your shopping list arrived yet ? Was hoping to get some ideas !


Thanks for that, no bits arrived yet.


Made a spanner in ready for the cam timming, then realised I didnt have a crank pulley and my old 964 one wouldnt fit so was a bit stumped so put some other bits back together and had to forget about the cam timing for now .








Prepped all the rockers and their shafts , final clean down and fitted O rings an idea shamelessly nicked from Max Diesel great bit of cheap insurance to hopefully prevent any leaks .


The smaller o ring is fitted first to the grooves to pack them out then the bigger on top that sits slightly proud to be compressed and stop any pesky leaks. I got the o rings from Simplybearings.co.uk about a tenner for enough for two builds and arrived the next day.




Forgetting to get a suitable crankshaft pulley was a bit daft but managed to find a second hand 993 one on ebay which should do the job and hopefully turn up soon it has provision for three belts and looks a bit clunky . Also ordered a single pulley adapter hub for the fan.

Couple of questions for the 3.6 IB masterminders ,


Regarding the engine mount cross bar.. I have both the original SC and the 964 one , which is the best to use or is there no difference and does someone know if I need to bend it and exactly how much and at what point ? If I later decide to fit an aircon front bracket does this make any difference to space needed and engine mount ?


Same goes for tinware will 964 fit ? or is it easy and better to use the Sc' s . Or is someone selling fibre glass sets at reasonable prices . ?





Looking good, slick work.


964 mount needs bending forwards about 2 inches each end, most of the tin fits but again the rear tin needs pushing forwards a bit to fit.


I have both the original SC and the 964 one

The SC engine mount console will only just clear the diameter of the pulley and you will not be able to change the fan belt without unbolting it. I also think that the depth of the three belt pulley is to much for the console, I can check this if you want.


You can use an RS single belt crank pulley in conjunction with a 3.2 engine mount console, there is room to change the fan belt OK and the engine hanger lines up with the mounts without modification.





Looking good, slick work.


964 mount needs bending forwards about 2 inches each end, most of the tin fits but again the rear tin needs pushing forwards a bit to fit.

Thanks , its nice to see its resembling an engine again, I am working in my brothers hobby workshop, its pretty imaculate in there and sub standard workmanship would not be tolerated ! I get told off if I leave spanners out and dont put things away ! Still its a great enviroment to build an engine and lucky I guess ,mind you I did build it for him and his house for that matter .


I think I need to have a look at all my tinware and see which is in the best nick , sounds like they both need similar amounts of fettling .


The SC engine mount console will only just clear the diameter of the pulley and you will not be able to change the fan belt without unbolting it. I also think that the depth of the three belt pulley is to much for the console, I can check this if you want.


You can use an RS single belt crank pulley in conjunction with a 3.2 engine mount console, there is room to change the fan belt OK and the engine hanger lines up with the mounts without modification.




Ah ok , would a 64 console fit on a sc engine mount bar or would I be in the same situation and need to bend the ends forward as Jevvy says with the 64 one?


Does the 3.2 console differ to the Sc one then Mark in that I wouldnt be able to just swap over the SC set up to my engine even if I opted for single pulley , in which case I am inclined to use my 64 then as I have it already.


Could the SC console be modded to allow for bigger pulley or is a case of the engine needs to mounted further away from the back of the car to allow the triple pulley space ?


Sorry for all the questions , I think I need to dig out all my bits and mounts and have a play around, I havent seen them for some months now! ,

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