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would a 64 console fit on a sc engine mount bar



Does the 3.2 console differ to the Sc one



Could the SC console be modded to allow for bigger pulley

Not easily, see picture. Old mount = SC and earlier, New mount = 3.2




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Considering yr kit and skills id suggest getting it dry fitted to the car without a rear engine mount fitted and take it from there, easy once you see it all in situ :)


sounds a sensible plan, though was kind of hoping to get the mount done and dusted and fitted to engine whilst waiting for a few things. My car is a few miles down the road and it could be a month or two before they are re united .


its cool, you can nail 99% of it and just leave the rear tin and mount to deal with when you are ready to chuck it in. Lift it into place, play with the parts you have and decide which way you want to go based on the details posted by Mark earlier in the thread - simples :)


*edit - MONTH OR 2!


edit - MONTH OR 2!


Or three I have had to come to the conclusion that realistically the cars not going to be properly ready for this year , too many jobs left to do ! its a shame but I have consoled myself come the spring I can head out in a nice car . Works catching up with me and I am away on my bike in France for a week or two which doesn'nt help matters .


Still havent figured engine mount to use yet had a quick look ,it apears the 964 mount is a one piece item and not the nicest to look at compared to the Sc item , not overly important but decided the mount can wait for the time being .


Cam timing was sorted this week , I needed some help with this ! didnt want to get it wrong and the info in Demseys rebuild book didnt relate much to the schrick info . I just fitted the rockers when needed set the tappets and turned it over when required and torqued up the cam sprockets when they were aligned correctly .


My brother just checking tdc ,there were three marks on my new 993 pulley not marked tdc or Z1 .



Cams set to 114 degrees as per Schrick info .



With the timing done, I was a bit anxious about piston to valve clearence as the engine wasn't built up dry ! To check the clearence I wound down the exhaust tappet until valve contact was made with the piston , one turn of the screw equates to 1mm fortunately two plus turns were made on both inlet and exhaust valves so I have at least 2 mm plus clearance befor contact so figure I am safe .


Other jobs done were a change of the distributer belt , after reading bad things can happen I thought I better do it .

Good info here for those planning the same http://p-car.com/diy/dualbelt/


I am sure someone had already changed the belt before as the pin that was suposed to be soft alloy that holds the cog on to the main shaft needed to be drilled out and was in fact hard steel ,also once inside the bearings didnt look bad and the grease reasonably soft , still after my efforts to get the thing apart I cleaned all bearings and re pact them with fresh grease , fitting the belt was quite straight forward making sure the rotors are correctly aligned , there are marks on the outer case of each body to help .

After the pin is drilled out from the shaft the gear needed a puller to get it off then the main shaft and bits all lift out and the rest is relatively plain sailing as they say .



This plug had also been removed previously , I managed to leaver it out to get the shaft out then peened and jb welded it back in on reassembly SAM_2843_zpsmappgmek.jpg[


My old belt was'nt too bad but better to be safe with a new one .



Finnished and test fitted to engine .




Also ordered 12m of Beru ht lead and some terminals so I can make up some new leads .


Still bolting on bits and pieces , gave the old injectors a quick sprucing , fitted an overhaul kit , was just going to replace o rings to ensure no leaks but the Viton o rings are quite pricey or at least the ones I found were so for about a fiver more bought a kit that included new filters caps etc.




Easy to do just cut the old pintol caps of with stanley, pull out old filters by screwing onto a screw and pulling and install new bits.


Ready for fitting to my nice and shiny fuel rails .



Rails on with fitted Cam covers .



Added the fan shroud and Alternator.



Just waiting now for my fan to be painted and a few things to come back from the platers and will nearly be there with bulk of the engine ,oh and my new ht lead ,got the terminals just need the lead so I can make up a new set .


Also tackled my 993 headers I bought from the states , the worse bit has been done, I ground down the welds that hold on the flanges that are orientated wrongly for the 64 so they can be rotated to suit my exhaust studs . Just need to be welded back on now .

SAM_2848_zpsngwlbstv.jpg. Is it worth while fitting the headers on with copper nuts ? .








yup copper nuts are the way to go, how much were the us headers? didnt realise u needed some as i have a set already flipped :(


I have seen Copper m8 lock nuts on ebay better get them ordered cheers, I think I paid around £360 total including shipping ,tax a good price I think, it was around 6 months ago , had been offered some for £700 so I kept on looking and made an offer on the ones from the states and got lucky . Should have put a shout out on hear by the sounds of it .


I do need a the top part of the engine duct /shroud if anyone has one , is my only option here a factory item, and I think I need some kind of duct to come out for heat .

Posted (edited)

Henry, you will want to find yourself a nice big linishing belt to flatten off the flanges when you weld them back on unless you take a lick off on the mill.


What are your plans for a silencer?

Edited by ALEX P

Hopefully weld them tomorrow and linish too with luck , as the engine is in a stand I can use that as the jig.


Regards exhaust I did buy a new box and some elbows from Ben C to make up a happy crab type , that was over a year ago now , Tbh I am still thinking , yours looks great and the use of an old porsche box could be a posibility . I also saw this on ebay last night and thought I could make it from scratch maybe , just not sure what pipework is in the box itself, maybe a removable end or access panel to put in or take out wadding /pipe .



I do need a the top part of the engine duct /shroud if anyone has one , is my only option here a factory item, and I think I need some kind of duct to come out for heat .


There are a few versions of that part depending on which engine etc. I think I've got an old one somewhere so will have a dig about.



There are a few versions of that part depending on which engine etc. I think I've got an old one somewhere so will have a dig about.

cheers Jevvy its a big shout but a minty mint one idealy !


Fitted my freshly painted fan today. Went for a genuine Porsche single pulley hub to tidy things and was only £20 more than replacing the old original bearing hub for twin pulley set up..


With just the Ht leads to add and pulley I couldnt resist sitting the manifolds on top to see how it all looked.














Yer well chuffed Ben thanks Just hope it runs without any dramas! Probably spent far too much time on it tbh couldnt help myself.


Hi H

Looks to nice put in the car would make a great bit of house art if you could get away with it

How much more work to do before it goes in ?


Sorry I forgot the link to the pipe I am liking at the moment , could just do with a picture of the insides so I could try and make similar .http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Dual-outlet-sports-muffler-for-Porsche-911-running-993-headers-/321810309968?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item4aed63a350


Engine is looking lovely Henry :signs85:


Ben C is running 993 h/e with TT silencer. In fact I think TT used his car as the original template.


I think his outlets are configured for either single or twin depending on how much noise you don't want to make but may be worth a listen before committing. If you were to take that route it may be worth speaking to TT instead of going through ebay if you wanted a more 'customised' silencer to suit your needs.


Hi H

Looks to nice put in the car would make a great bit of house art if you could get away with it

How much more work to do before it goes in ?

Cheers Kenny , would look a treat in my lounge I reckon ,probably have to get rid of the missis first though ,now stop giving me ideas !


Gearbox still waiting to be put back together and a pile of other stuff , still havent put the wings back on yet , oil coolers to go on doors need to be built up ...... I have been a bit slack lately , Got a whole load of cast iron guttering to put up and some other boring stuff ,bike tour at the end of the month too. Beeping summer has nearly gone already :)




Engine is looking lovely Henry :signs85:


Ben C is running 993 h/e with TT silencer. In fact I think TT used his car as the original template.


I think his outlets are configured for either single or twin depending on how much noise you don't want to make but may be worth a listen before committing. If you were to take that route it may be worth speaking to TT instead of going through ebay if you wanted a more 'customised' silencer to suit your needs.


Ahh I remember now ,I did put my head very quickly under the back of Bens Sc, but a long time ago, the exhaust not being top priority then though should of paid more attention ! I do remember though it had three pipes I think , One is uncapped when he presses a magic button that changes the mapping or chip to unleash a few more Hp if I remember right . Muffler is still a bit of way off at the moment , probably get the engine fitted and go from there I guess.


Gearbox still waiting to be put back together and a pile of other stuff , still havent put the wings back on yet , oil coolers to go on doors need to be built up ......


I thought I had seen a few nice engines but this one is it - almost a shame to hide it all.

Kind words cheers

I thought I had seen a few nice engines but this one is it - almost a shame to hide it all.

Must admit looks better than I hoped, cheers

  • 3 months later...

Pretty much finished the plug leads today , needs a bit more tidying but that can be done when it finaly goes in .


I had read a thread on Pelican and thought I would try it, although they had the advantage of a proper Beru Crimper but at around £300! that wasnt going to happen so I improvised and made my own which worked well albeit a bit fidley .


I had some replacement jaws laser cut for a standard crimper which mached the original crimp exactly ,this was used first on carefully striped ends leaving 6.8mm of wire poking into the terminal . The second crimp traps the bare wire in the thin end of the M3 terminal this provides most of the grab to do this I made a rather heath robinson bit of tooling couple of grouves made with a 1mm cutoff wheel and a bit of stainless welding rod , trapped the terminal in it with a bit of card to protect brass threads and then squeezed it in the vice . I couldnt pull the terminal off by hand so figured thats good enough.


Fitted new distributer caps and rotor arms whilst at it to give a best spark possible .


Custom crimper .






second stage crimper ,not quite as glamorous but worked !



New terminal fitted to new Beru 7mm










I stripped the fittings from the old engine fuel lines ,plated then sent them off to have new arimid hose crimped on .





Fitted the intakes properly ,newly plated pulley ,yes I know not a single pulley but its actually pretty light being hollow ,nothing like a 64


All my parts are now back on that came with the engine hopefully they are all put back in the right place but a I think I may be missing a couple of pipes can anyone shed any light on which ones and where they go ?

















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