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Oil / fluid extractors?

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Nope, I like to see it dump out of the sump.


Middle of Lidl have them at the moment.  Can't imagine you need anything fancy unless you plan to oil change on a weekly basis.

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I bought this one recently. It seems to work well; so far I’ve used It take the oil out my XKR (sump not easily accessible) using the cars suction pipe and, with the hoses the other way around, fill the transmission with ATF. This worked great as the exhaust prevents a manual fill and you have to get 10 litres in sharpish before the fluid exceeds the max temperature for setting the level. 



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Thanks all, I did have a quick look around at some examples in use,  variable results indeed, some suggestions of swapping the pick up hose for a rigid tube. Appreciate the replies and to clarify: am interested for purposes other than those involving a Porsche!

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Seally ones work as well, good selection of tubes come with it. Saves a good bit of time and no need to take under body protection off. Few cars now without sump plugs.    Baz

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