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Posted (edited)

Chris - what do you think?


managed to upload pics :ani_clapping:



Edited by benc

Hi Ben, Good to see the pics at last. I wondered which car you went for in the end. I think there was white one there too wasnt there! I was hoping you would go for the red one. Nice colour :blush:

Posted (edited)



yes - there was a white one but in fairly tatty condition - am very happy with this one so far apart from the heater blower units which are maiking a rediculaous sound to start with, then not making enough puff when i wan to clear the screen!!

think they are firmly on the way out!


am also alittle concerned about the smokyness when it starts up, but it does clear to nothing in a few minutes - from the people i havew spoken to i think this is acceptable. although, i do feel like a bit of a d1ck when i start it up to leave work!!!


looking forward to outting on the miles over Christmas :rolleyes:


also - how do i get a pick of my car under my name on each post? thought i had that sorted! but obviously not

Edited by benc

you need the change your avitar pic "Edit Avatar Settings" in "My Controls"


Dont worry too much about the smoke until you have done a few miles and let things settle down a bit.

Posted (edited)

Mine usually blows ourt a puff of smoke when stood for a while.


I used to obsess about this unti the day my wife and I were sat in an OC signing the paperwork for her Boxster. Was right at the end of the day and they were moving the cars from the front of the dealership into the compound.


I could not believe the amount of blue oil smoke you can get from a nearly-new 997.


BTW - I find that allowing the car to idle for, say, a minute before shutting off does seem to have some influence on this.

Edited by Chris_911
Posted (edited)
Mine usually blows ourt a puff of smoke when stood for a while.


I used to obsess about this unti the day my wife and I were sat in an OC signing the paperwork for her Boxster. Was right at the end of the day and they were moving the cars from the front of the dealership into the compound.


I could not believe the amount of blue oil smoke you can get from a nearly-new 997.


BTW - I find that allowing the car to idle for, say, a minute before shutting off does seem to have some influence on this.



i will let it idle a little this evening and see what happens from there - the smoke on mine last for about 2 or 3 mins, but it does go completely after that.

have hopefully sorted my Avatar settings now aswell! thanks


Edited by benc



More important to keep an eye on the oil consumption rather than to get too misguided about start up blue smoke.


A little goes a long way as far as oil is concerned!

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hello from Norway!


I'm new to Porsche, and new to this forum!


A couple a weeks ago i bought a 1987 911 3,2 Carrera with RUF-chip, Cup-rohr and a modified filterbox housing a K&N filter. I bought the car at a RUF dealer i southern part of Norway and drove 660 km's back to where i live in the middle of Norway! My first drive ever in a Porsche... :cool: ... and i loved it! As you may know we have slippery roads at wintertime here in Norway, so i had respect for the sledgehammer myth, especially when i drove over the mountains where it was verry slippery with temperatures about freesing point and steel-ice on the road. But after anout eight hours of driving it was safe back home :yahoo:


So now the fun begins!... i'm planning to use it as an everyday car :lol: so far so good!


It sits on 17" 993 Cup wheels with studless wintertires... the original Fuchs wheels are not together with the car anymore :(


I have just started my search for some new nice wheels for next summer!



If i did things right there will be some pics attached which the last owner provided me before i bought it. The pics of the tachometer and the GPS was from his trip on Autobahn last summer :cool:


Best regards







Edited by SS911
If i did things right there will be some pics attached which the last owner provided me before i bought it. The pics of the tachometer and the GPS was from his trip on Autobahn last summer :cool:


Best regards



welcome along SS! Impressed with your last pic, never seen that before on an IB :ani_clapping:



  • 3 weeks later...

Hi. As a new member I thought I would say hello as I have just purchased my first 3.2 Carrera


After losing my Porsche cherry to a Boxster 2.7 tiptronic I sold it and purchasd a TVR V8s. After 12 months with this, I realised the error of my ways and decided to sell it and purchase another Porsche, perhaps a newer Boxster !


However, after a 6 month search I finally found it in the Porsche Post over the Chrsitams holiday. After a rushed trip to the bank to withdraw cash, and the organising of a trailer, 2 days later I drove 230 miles to London to collect it.


The car is a 1984 Carrera 3.2 Cab in guards red which was just as descibed, and with the original owner selling it he was able to confirm the 33,000 miles with full main dealer service history and no paintwork. It had BBS alloys fitted from delivery, but luckily the original brand new Fuch alloys were in the boxes in his garage. First job was to get these refitted, what a difference it makes.


I am over the moon and look forward to many happy miles. I have tried to add some photos, I hope they come out OK. I am sure I will need some help over the coming months, so look forward to future posts.





Hi. As a new member I thought I would say hello as I have just purchased my first 3.2 Carrera

................................, so look forward to future posts.


Welcome n8ony?

Lovely car :signs122: - for whatever reason I've been appreciating Cabs more & more ........ Then I comfort myself that Targa's are safer :rolleyes:



Welcome Tony, looks like a peach! Have you considered a flat engine cover? Keep the original for special occasions ;)




John. Thanks, although they always seem a bit "girlie" without the attached picnic table!

John. Thanks, although they always seem a bit "girlie" without the attached picnic table!

Pretty, you mean, like Ferry intended? That'll do me LOL ;)

  • 5 weeks later...
Guest cool retro guy
Posted (edited)
Beautiful looking car, love the picture. Enjoy it on the road as well as on the drive!


(Sorry to seem dim but what is an S2?)



porsche 944 S2.....


Sorry guys, let me introduce myself.


My name is Murray and i've just got my first 911 after a few years of 944 ownership (which i still own). It's a 1988 guards red targa with linen leather interior. I got it on Jan 2 and i absolutely love it. :mad jg: :mad jg: My only negative point so far was the ppi that i had done. It was done by a company i saw in the back of 911 porsche world and it was sh1t!. They missed so many things that i am now paying dearly for!.


Apart from that i love 911s and an IB is the ultimate style for me!




Edited by cool retro guy
  • 1 month later...

Hi guys and gals!


Just became member and so let me introduce myself. Full-filled a boyhood's dream to own a 911 by buying a 3.2 last November. That is not easy anywhere, but it's even harder living in Thailand where the choice is limited. No need to feel pity, there's plenyty that makes up for it :rolleyes:


But, after several months of looking,. and the help of members of the local Porsche Club and the Porsche distributor here, I found The One!


Clocked about 1500 miles on it now and I am very happy with it. It rips and roars.


Glad to be here, I am enjoying the comments and pictures and learning a lot from the posts on this forum.


Coxy, you are dropping your code in as a link and not an image, which is why your nice pics are not showing up. Click the box with the little orange dot in it, not the green plus sign, and paste the code in there. Then you get this:



Posted (edited)





Cheers sorted ( deleted the http & the img codes) Thanks, im getting carried away now :ani_clapping:

Edited by johndglynn

Hi All, having spent six months searching for a C3 (which is what I set out to buy) I am now the proud owner of a (if I might say) gorgeous black '89 3.2 Carrera. We ll such is life!!. I pick it up on 8th April and I can't wait...... It's been my goal to get a 911 for the past 20 - 25 yrs and finally I have realised it! Can't wait to get her out on the road and stretch her legs a bit. I'm on hols up in Scotland at the moment on my annual visit north to see my sister, so when I get back and and collect her, I'll put some photos up.


cheers you guys, Steve

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Bryan

Hi All,


Took delivery of my 87 Carrera (MY88 CE) a couple of weeks ago and thought I would introduce myself.


I'm a 34yr old engineer that lives in sunny Perth Australia, and this is my first Porsche. Like many others I have been a big fan of the marque from a young age and have been looking for a good condition 87 - 89 G50 example for the last 12 months or so.


I look forward to corresponding with you all as I learn about my new car, and think this forum is a fantastic resource. I have purchased the Bentley Manual and 101 projects which should assist as well.


A big thanks also to those that helped out with my purchase with valuable input to my first thread.






Guest Madaza




Lovely car Bryan! What Pirelli's have you got on there?

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